MSc theses
If you are interested to do an MSc thesis with me, please contact me. You can choose any of the currently available topics listed on the SERG web site, or propose one that I can supervise, based on my research interests.
At the TU Delft
- CSE2520/TI2736B (BSc): Big Data Processing 2020 (2019, 2018, 2017) Lectures now given by Burcu Kulahcioglu Ozkan
- TI3110TU (Minor): Algorithms and Data Structures (2017, Lecture notes sources)
- EWI3615TU (Minor): 5EC project (2017)
- TI1206 (Minor): Object-Oriented Programming, taught with Andy Zaidman
- IN4189 (MSc): Software Re-Engineering, taught with Andy Zaidman (2013 and 2014)
- IN4389 (MSc): Reactive Programming, taught by Erik Meijer (2013)
- IN4355 (MSc): Functional Programming, taught by Erik Meijer (2012, 2013)
At the Radboud University Nijmegen
- NWI-IBI001 (BSc): Software Engineering (2016)
- NWI-IMC052 (MSc): Software Development in Start-ups (2015)
- NWI-IMC035 (MSc): Software analysis: I did an introduction to software repository mining (2015).
At the Athens University of Economics and Business
- Advanced topics in Software Engineering lab notes, taught by Diomidis Spinellis
I occasionally give tutorials, mostly to fellow researchers. Here are the latest ones:
- MSR with Git and Unix@ICSE 2018, with Diomidis Spinellis. We explained how to use Git and Unix to effectively mine thousands of repos.
- MSR with Spark@ICSE 2018. I explained how to use Apache Spark from common tasks when mining software repositories.
- Mining GHTorrent@ICSE 2017, with Diomidis Spinellis. We explained how to effectively use GHTorrent to mine data from GitHub.