Paper discussion: Title of paper


  • Appeared in (name of conf/journ)
  • Cited citation cound
  • Why is it important?


A brief profile of the main authors


Why do this research?

Research method

What does the paper do?

ML4SE techniques used

How does the paper use ML techniques


What does the paper find?


Why are the results important?

Techincal questions

3-4 questions to gauge the audience’s understanding of the paper

Discussion points

3-4 questions to trigger general discussions about the paper

Summary of the discussion

to be filled in after the discussion by the discussion group

The document above in Markdown format, to be filled
in and returned to the instructor for each discussed
paper, by responsible group.

# Paper discussion: Title of paper

#### Paper

* Appeared in _(name of conf/journ)_
* Cited _citation cound_
* Why is it important?

#### People
_A brief profile of the main authors_

#### Motivation
_Why do this research?_

#### Research method
_What does the paper do?_

#### ML4SE techniques used
_How does the paper use ML techniques_

#### Results
_What does the paper find?_

#### Implications
_Why are the results important?_

#### Techincal questions
_3-4 questions to gauge the audience's understanding of the paper_

#### Discussion points
_3-4 questions to trigger general discussions about the paper_

#### Summary of the discussion
_to be filled in after the discussion by the discussion group_