What is a distributed system?
According to Wikipedia: A distributed system is a software system in which components located on networked computers communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages.
Parallel system
Distributed system
We will focus on the following four issues with distributed systems
Partial failures
Distributed systems must tolerate partial failures: Any one point in the system can fail, yet the system must continue to correctly function as a whole.
Partial failures occur frequently in large distributed systems and they may cause real-world outages.
Hard to detect whether something failed or not, as the time it takes for a message to travel across a network.
Unreliable networks
Q: Imagine a client server application. The client sents a message to the server, but receives no response. What might have gone wrong?
A: Has the service failed? Is the request or response message lost in the network?
Two types of network systems:
Synchronous system: Process execution speeds or message delivery times are bounded.
Asynchronous system: No assumptions about process execution speeds or message delivery times are made.
Purely synchronous systems only exist in theory.
Most distributed systems use some form of asynchronous networking to communicate.
Upon waiting for a response to a requests in an asynchronous system, it is not possible to distinguish whether:
The usual remedy is to set timeouts and retry the request until it succeeds.
In a study of network failures by Microsoft Research[1], they found that:
The data is for a professionally managed data centre by a single company.
On the public cloud, failures may affect thousands of systems in parallel.
Timeouts is a fundamental design choice in asynchronous networks: Ethernet, TCP and most application protocols work with timeouts.
The problem with timeouts is that delays in asynchronous systems are unbounded. This can be due to:
Queues also experience a snowball effect; queues are getting bigger on busy systems.
Timeouts usually follow the exponential back-off rule; we double the time we check for an answer up to an upper bound. More fine-grained approaches use successful request response times to calibrate appropriate timeouts.
Soft Watch At The Moment Of First Explosion, by Salvador Dali
In a distributed system, time is the only global constant nodes can rely on to make distributed decisions on ordering problems.
When do we need to order?
Time in computers is kept in two ways:
)Q: Which clock type would you use to benchmark a routine? Why?
Monotonic clocks are maintained by the OS and rely on HW counters exposed by CPUs. They are (usually!) good for determining order within a node, but each node only has its own notion of time.
NTP can synchronize time across nodes with an accuracy of ms. A modern CPU can execute \(10^6\) instructions (\(\times\) number of cores) in an ms!
Moreover, leap seconds are introduced every now and then; minutes may last for 61 or 59 seconds on occasion
\(\mu s\) accuracy is possible with GPS clocks, but expensive
Logical time abstracts the notion of time and orders events based on causality.
If some event possibly causes another event, then the first event happened-before the other.
Lamport introduced the eponymous logical timestamps in 1978[2] to capture happened-before relation.
Logical time
What is order? A way of arranging items in a set so that the following properties are maintained.
Strict partial order:
Strict total order:
When do we need to order?
Lamport introduced happens-before relation to capture dependencies between events:
It is a strict partial order: it is irreflexive, antisymmetric and transitive.
Two events not related to happened-before are concurrent.
Logical time
Lamport introduced the eponymous logical timestamps in 1978[2]:
For two events \(a\) and \(b\), if \(a \rightarrow b\), then \(LT(a) < LT(b)\).
Q: The reverse is not true: If \(LT(a) < LT(b)\), then it does not mean that \(a \rightarrow b\)! Why?
4 nodes exchange events.
Initial state of timestamps: \([A(0), B(0), C(0), D(0)]\)
E1. \(A\) sends to \(C\): \([A(1), B(0), C(0), D(0)]\)
E2. \(C\) receives from \(A\): \([A(1), B(0), C(2), D(0)]\)
E3. \(C\) sends to \(A\): \([A(1), B(0), C(3), D(0)]\)
E4. \(A\) receives from \(C\): \([A(4), B(0), C(3), D(0)]\)
E5. \(B\) sends to \(D\): \([A(4), B(1), C(3), D(0)]\)
E6. \(D\) receives from \(B\): \([A(4), B(1), C(3), D(2)]\)
At this point, \(LT(E6) < LT(E4)\), but it does not mean that \(E6 \rightarrow E4\)! Events 4 and 6 are independent.
Vector clocks[3] can maintain causal order.
On a system with \(N\) nodes, each node \(i\) maintains a vector \(V_i\) of size \(N\).
They are updated as follows:
Vector clocks are expensive to maintain: they require \(O(n)\) timestamps to be exchanged with each communication.
However, it has been shown[4] that we cannot do better than vector clocks!
In distributed settings, the truth is determined by concensus, which is reached through voting mechanisms.
Making a decision in the presence of faulty nodes.
The two generals problem setting
Q How can the generals decide when to attack?
A It is impossible to make a reliable decision.
Consequences: we can only make distributed decisions using either reliable communication or more than 2 parties.
Formulated by Lamport et al.[5], the Byzantine generals problem shaped distributed systems research for the next 40 years.
The formulation is simple:
Byzantine Eagle
Roles in a Raft cluster
Most consensus algorithms (e.g. Paxos[6] or Raft[7]), attempt to keep the log module of replicated state machines in sync. Basic properties include:
Raft defines the following cluster roles:
Raft ensures that: logs are always consistent and that only servers with up-to-date logs can become leader
Raft terms
Terms are used to identify obsolete information
Raft leader election
See more details in this visualization
Fischer, Linch and Patterson (FLP) theorem[8]: In an asynchronous network, consensus cannot be reached if at least one node fails in asynchronous networks
A foundational result, proving the impossibility of distributed consensus. The system model the authors assume is fairly restrictive:
In practice however, we can mitigate the consequences, as we are indeed allowed to use both clocks and/or random numbers.
Raft and Paxos work by assuming that the exchanged messages are valid and true (i.e. non-Byzantine). In open distributed systems (e.g. BitCoin) this assumption is not necessarily valid.
Most open distributed systems use public-key cryptography and node registration before they start and sign messages to avoid MITM attacks.
Still, decisions require majority votes, so the \(n/2 + 1\) rule applies.
Consistency refers to the requirement that any given transaction must change affected data only in allowed ways.
By Erik Brewer[9]: A distributed system can only provide 2 of the following 3 guarantees
While widely cited, it is only indicative; when the network is working, systems can offer all 3 guarantees. So it can be reduced to either consistent or available when partitioned.
Consistency models
Adapted from [10]. Figure idea by Jespen.
As per the CAP theorem, Consistency and Availability are at odds with each other. The following availability models refer to system availability (can clients make progress?) under network partitions.
Weak single-object consistency systems are totally available.
Monotonic reads: If read \(r_1\) happens before \(r_2\), then \(r_2\) cannot observe state before \(r_1\)
Monotonic writes: If write \(w_1\) happens before \(w_2\), then all processes observe them in the same order
Writes follow reads: Once a process reads \(v\), it cannot change \(v\) past with a new write \(w\)
Read your writes: If a process makes a write \(w\), then reads the same object \(r\), then \(r\) is at its latest state
Causal consistency captures the fact that causally-related operations appear in the same order on all processes, but processes may disagree on the order of causally independent operations.
Causal consistency presents a partial order view of events; it is a sticky available model.
Sequential consistency: Writes don’t propagate instantaneously to all processes, but their order is to be seen the same by all. It offers a total order guarantees.
Linearisability: As soon as writes complete successfully, they are immediately replicated to all nodes in an atomic manner and are made available to reads.
Strict consistency: Writes are propagated instantaneously to all processes (only theoretical).
At any time, concurrent reads from any node return the same values. As soon as writes complete successfully, the result is immediately replicated to all nodes in an atomic manner and is made available to reads.
A non-linearisable system
Q: Is the above system linearisable?
It is not, as while the write operation is in flight, the system cannot return a consistent answer.
This work is
(c) 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 - onwards by TU Delft and Georgios Gousios
and licensed under the Creative
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