Why organize data as a tree structure?
- Humans have a natural inclination towards hierarchical thinking and this have had a profound impact on the way we reason, decide and look at things
- Examples are social and political structures such as family tree, governance and species
- Introducing order such as hierarchical order to data allows computers to make decisions in a much more efficient way then linear data structures
Example: Visiting a distant aunt
What do we know about this aunt and our family:
- You only meet her once every three years
- She is from your dad’s side
- There is a huge family gathering next week and you have been asked to find her address.
Example: Visiting a distant aunt
- Equipped with the knowledge from the previous week, we would organize family relatives in the following fashion:

Example: Visiting a distant aunt (2)
Knowing the hierarchical order of our family, we would prefer making a family tree!

- Provides the computer additional insights on the relation between data values
- Allows the computer to examine the relationship between data values and make decisions based on them
- This makes lookup for a data value much faster, we can avoid examine a large chunk of the data set
- In the example, we knew the aunt was on the dad’s side and thus avoided looking into mom’s side of relatives!
- A tree is an example of organizing data values according to an order (e.g hierarchical order)
Tree terminology

Tree Properties
A tree constitute with the following properties:
- A single & special node named root, start node on top of tree and does not have a parent
- Succeeding nodes can be either a child or parent
- A child node is connected by at-least a preceding node
- The preceding node is known as a parent node
- A parent node has zero, one or more children(successor nodes)

Subtrees Properties
- All nodes in a tree (except the root) are child nodes
- Siblings are nodes with the same parent
- Subtree are the descendants of a node
- A node without children is a leaf node
Tree Height

Tree Depth


Traversal Methods
Linear data structures have only one way to read data; a tree can be traversed in two ways: depth-first and breath-first(discussed next week). Three depth-first methods:
- Pre-order
- In-order
- Post-order
Traversal Methods (1)

Traversal Methods (3)
Visit Nodes in a recursive fashion
Pre-order traversal
root node => left sub-tree => right sub-tree
In-order traversal
left sub-tree => root node => right sub-tree
Post-order traversal
left sub-tree => right sub-tree => root node
Binary Trees
- Each node contains a data value
- Branching at each node occur either at left or right
- A binary tree can be composed of zero, one or two children
- Useful for Searching: Traversing either left or right to find the target

class Node:
def __init__(self, data):
self.left = None
self.right = None = data
# Examples
root = Node(8) # root node & no children
a = Node(2)
a.left = Node(1)
a.right = Node(6)
root.left = a
root.right = a
#Q: How will the tree look like?
Binary Search Tree (BST)
- Adding a notion of order to a Binary Tree structure, the order invariant
- A tree is ordered the following way:
- The child node on the right is always greater than its parent
- The child node on the left is always lesser than its parent
Example of a BST

Insertion in a BST
We want to insert a data value \(K\)
- Compare \(K\) with the data value \(V\) of the current node.
- If \(K < V\),
- If
V.left is None
, we insert \(K\) as left child of \(V\).
- If
V.left is not None
, left child of \(V\) becomes the new current node and start over from step 1.
- If \(K > V\),
- If
V.right is None
, we insert \(K\)the right child of \(V\).
- If
V.right is not None
, right child of \(V\) becomes the new current node and start over from step 1.
Insert function
Let’s extend class Node
with an insert
def insert(self, data):
if data >
if self.right is None:
self.right = Node(data)
#Q: why are we calling insert here?
if self.left is None:
self.left = Node(data)
#Q: why are we calling insert here?
Inserting a value into a BST

Inserting a value into a BST

Inserting a value into a BST

Inserting a value into a BST

Inserting a value into a BST

Inserting a value into a BST

Search in a BST
We search for a value \(key\) by visiting the nodes in the BST
Compare the current node \(V's\) value with \(key\)
- if
key ==
, we have found the value and terminate
- if
key >
, we branch to V.right
- if
key <
, we branch to V.left
Base case: Repeat process above until:
key ==
V.left == None && V.right == None
(e.g reach leaf-node)
Search function
def find(root,key):
# Base Case: root is null or key is present at root
if root.left/right is None or root.val == key:
return root
# Key is greater than root's key
if root.val < key:
return find(root.right,key)
# Key is smaller than root's key
return find(root.left,key)
Example: Lookup value 49 in a BST

Example: Lookup value 49 in a BST

Example: Lookup value 49 in a BST

Remove a node from a BST
There are three situations to handle
- Leaf Node: Straightforward to delete
- Node with one child: Replace the node with it’s only child
- Node with two children: More complicated
Remove a node with two children
We want to remove a node \(K\) with \(L\) as left tree and \(R\) as right tree
- Perform a search to find node \(K\)
- Find the successor node or predecessor node \(S\) of \(K\)
- Replace
How do we find the successor/predecessor node of \(K\)?
Successor node
- The node with most minimum value in the right sub-tree
- Traverse the left child in each branch until there is a node that don’t have a left child.

Predecessor node
- The node with most maximum value in the left sub-tree
- Traverse the right child in each branch until there is a node that don’t have a right child.

Removing 40 from the BST Example
Finding the predecessor node

Removing 40 from the BST Example

Removing 40 from the BST Example

Analysis of the BST operations
def insert:
limiting factor is the height of the tree
- Worst case: Compare at every level of the tree to find an appropriate place to insert the value
def search
: same as for insert
- Worst case: searches to the bottom and no key found!
def remove:
Additional: Search for the successor/predecessor before removing the element
- finding the successor is also the height of the tree, so double the work!
From a performance perspective, the common operations requires a search and this is bound by the height of the tree
What is the height of the tree likely to be?
A: Depends on how the data values are inserted into the tree
- A tree with the same number of nodes on the left sub-tree and right sub-tree have a worst-case complexity of \(\mathcal{O}(\log{}_2h)\) where \(h\) is the height of the tree
- This is the maximum number of comparisons that an operation like e.g
will need to do to find a spot to insert a value.
- height of the tree \(= \log{}_2h\)
How does it look like for BSTs that are not balanced?
What is the height of the tree likely to be? (2)

What is the time complexity for such a tree? Hint: think in terms of a list structure
What is the height of the tree likely to be? (2)
- We can quickly see that the worst case is similar to traverse an entire list and the complexity is \(\mathcal{O}(h)\)
- There are many scenarios where we end up with an unbalanced tree, this makes the worst case scenario for BST operations to be \(\mathcal{O}(h)\)
Why is the height of a complete BST \(\log{}_2h\)?
The logarithmic value of number of nodes is truncated (e.g floor \(\lfloor{x}\rfloor\))
0 |
1 |
\(\log{}_21 = 0\) |
1 |
3 |
\(\log{}_23 = 1\) |
2 |
7 |
\(\log{}_27 = 2\) |
3 |
15 |
\(\log{}_215 = 3\) |
Self-balancing binary search tree
Maintaining a balanced tree
- We want to avoid that a BST degenerates to \(\mathcal{O}(h)\) time
- Needs to keep the height of the tree as small as possible, at worst, the complexity should be \(\mathcal{O}(\log{}_2h)\)
- We need a way to automatically keep the tree balanced
- Named after the inventors G.M. Adelson-Velskii and E.M. Landis
- Introduce a balance invariant to a binary search tree
- For every node \(n\) in an AVL-tree, the heights of the left and right sub-trees of \(n\) can differ at most by 1.
AVL-tree (2)
- The height of the tree should be bound by \(\mathcal{O}(\log{}_2n)\) at worst case
- Let’s consider the height of an AVL tree as \(h\) with \(N_h\) nodes
- To satisfy the balance invariant:
- The root must have a child with height \(h-1\) with \(N_{h-1}\) nodes
- The other child of the root must than have a height of \(h-2\) with \(N_{h-2}\) nodes
- Why \(h-2\)? Height can differ at most by 1
- The AVL tree has in total \(N_{h-1} + N_{h-2} + 1\) nodes (root is \(1\))
Visualize the relation between height and nodes

AVL operations
- We have shown that the introduced invariant can maintain the tree balanced at \(\mathcal{O}(\log{}_n)\)
- We have to develop mechanisms to keep the tree balance at insert and deletion operations such that the height of the children must not differ by more than 1 for every node
- To balance an AVL tree, we need two mechanisms: left rotation and right rotations
- Rebalancing a tree takes \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) and involves re-assigning nodes in the tree to shift around the weights


There are three cases of insertion we need to consider:
- Node \(n\) with children of the same height \(k\). Inserting in either sub-tree obeys the balance invariant
- The right sub-tree of Node \(n\) is heaver than the left sub-tree. Inserting into the right sub-tree can lead to an unbalanced AVL tree
- The left sub-tree of Node \(n\) is heaver than the left right-tree. Inserting into the left sub-tree can lead to an unbalanced AVL tree
Insertion (2)

Insertion: Violation on the left

Let’s imagine we want to insert a value \(\beta\) into the \(C\) tree and the left tree also has children \(A\) and \(B\)
Insertion: Violation on the left (2)

Two places we can insert \(\beta\)
First Case: \(\beta\) inserted in \(A\)

This is a simple right rotation
Right Rotation
def rotateRight(node, self):
newRoot = node.left
node.left = newRoot.right
newRoot.right = node
return newRoot
Second Case: \(\beta\) inserted in \(B\)

A simple right or left rotation won’t solve the problem
Second Case: \(\beta\) inserted in \(B\) (1)
He have to perform something called a double right rotation
- Make a left-rotation on \(x\)

Second Case: \(\beta\) inserted in \(B\) (2)
- Make a right-rotation on \(y\)

Performing a left rotation or double left rotation is symmetric
Double right rotation
def rotateRight(node, self):
n = rotateRight(node.right)
B-Trees & B+ trees
- Primarily used by relational databases or filesystems
- Provides an efficient way to implement common database features such as join, fast deletion and ordering of rows
- B-tree is an m-ary tree, a binary tree is special case (a 2-ary tree)
- Ideal to work with large blocks of data
Example of a B-tree

B-Tree Invariant (1)
A B-tree of order \(m\) is an \(m-ary\) search tree:
- Data values stored in leaf nodes, non-leaf nodes guide the search process
- Each non-leaf node has:
- \(\lceil{m/2}\rceil\) and \(m\) children
- with number of keys as number of children - 1
- Each leaf node contains:
- between \(\lceil{m/2}\rceil\) and \(m\) values
- with no more than \(m-1\) keys
B-Tree Invariant (2)
- The root is either a leaf node or has between 2 and \(m\) children
- The keys at the non-leaf nodes partition the keys of the children (e.g the key guides the search similar to BST)
- Every path from the root to a leaf is the same distance
Building a B-Tree
On the blackboard, let’s construct a B-tree of order 5 with the following values:
For a value \(V\):
- Search to find the leaf node where it should be added
- Insert \(V\) into the leaf node
- If number of values is \(=< m-1\) after insertion
- If number of values is \(= m\), we violate the invariant
- To resolve this, we split the node into three ranges:
- Left: first \(\frac{m-1}{2}\) records
- middle value: \(1+\frac{m-1}{2}\)
- Right: last \(\frac{m-1}{2}\) records
- Sequences of Left and Right becomes new nodes; middle value is promoted as a key to the parent and added
Q: What happens if there is no room at the parent node?
B+ Trees
- There are many variations of B-Trees, one popular one is B+ Tree
- Useful structure in file-systems
- The idea is intuitive:
- The non-leaf nodes act as an index with place holder values
- The leaf node contains the actual data values that are linked
- Ideal for range queries as every internal node is sub interval
- Understand and animate B+ Trees, a tool developed at UFSCA
Example of a B+ Tree