

  • Sorting is the process of assigning the elements of a collection (e.g. list) in a particular order (e.g. put words in an alphabetical order).

  • A simplistic systematic way to sort the elements of a collection is, first, to compare two values from the collection seeing which is the smaller (or greater).

  • And, second, if the two values are not in the correct order, based on their comparison, we need to exchange them.

  • This exchange is expensive and, therefore, the total number of the needed exchanges will indicate the efficiency of a sorting algorithm.

The Sorting Problem

  • Input: Sequence of n values \(c_1,c_2,c_3,...,c_n\)
  • Output: Reordered (permutation) \(c'_1,c'_2,c'_3,...,c'_n\) of the input sequence with the order \(c'_1 \leq c'_2 \leq c'_3 ... \leq c'_n\)


  • Input: \(6,4,3,1,2,5\)
  • Output: \(1,2,3,4,5,6\)

The Sorting Problem

You have to arrange the sticks in descending order, how would you process this?

Bubble Sort

A simple sort algorithm where list elements “bubbles” to the position in the list where it belongs (e.g holding the order invariant)

  • How does it work?
    • Compares each pair of elements in a list
    • Swap the order of the pair of elements, if they are in the wrong order
    • Repeatedly traverse the list and swap pair of elements until the entire list is ordered

Bubble Sort: Overview

Given a list \(C[]\) with \(n\) elements

  1. Compare \(C[0]\) with \(C[1]\)
    • if \(C[0] > C[1]\), swap the elements
    • if \(C[0] < C[1]\), elements are in order
  2. Traverse to the next element, \(C[1]\) and compare it with \(C[2]\)
    • if \(C[1] > C[2]\), swap the elements
    • if \(C[1] < C[2]\), elements are in order
    • Do this for every pair of elements until the end of the list.
  3. Repeatedly perform steps 1 and 2 \(n\) times

Bubble Sort: Example

Sort the following list \(C = [7,6,1]\)

This would require 2 comparisons for a list of 3 values

First iteration

  1. Compare \(7\) with \(6\), swap them \([7,6,1]\) -> \([\textbf{6,7},1]\)
  2. Compare \(7\) with \(1\), swap them \([6,7,1]\) -> \([6,\textbf{1,7}]\)

Second iteration

  1. Compare \(6\) with \(1\), swap them \([6,1,7]\) -> \([\textbf{1,6},7]\)

Third iteration

Values are in order

Bubble Sort: Exercise

Sort the following list \(C = [5,3,1,9,8,2,4,7]\) using bubble sort

Bubble Sort: Solution

Bubble Sort: Implementation

def bubble_sort(list):
    n_times = len(list)
    # Traverse all list elements
    for i in range(n_times):
        print "round: " + str(i) + " with " + str(list)
        for j in range(0, n_times-i-1):
            # traverse the list from 0 to n-i-1 (e.g number of possible swap left)
            print str(list[j]) + " > " + str(list[j+1]) + "?"
            if list[j] > list[j+1] :
                list[j], list[j+1] = list[j+1], list[j]
                print "swap"
              print "no swap"
    return list

Bubble Sort: Complexity

  • How many comparison does each loop perform? (inner loop)
    • For each element in the list: \(n - 1\) comparisons
    • bubble sort does \(O(n)\) comparisons
  • How many times does it need to order the list? (outer loop)
    • The list contains \(n\) elements and has \(O(n)\) elements

For each iteration of loop variable \(i\), there are \(n-i\) comparisons performed. Thus, Bubble sort conducts \(O(n)\) operations on an \(O(n)\) number of elements that leads to a time complexity of \(O(n^2)\)

What about best case scenario?

Bubble Sort: Complexity (2)

  • When \(i = 1\), no comparisons
  • When \(i = 2\), one comparison is performed
  • When \(i = 3\), two comparisons are performed and so forth

Therefore, when \(i = n\), \(n - 1\) comparisons are performed irrespective of the input

For a list with \(n\) elements does:

\(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + \cdots + (n - 2) + (n - 1) = O(n^2)\) comparisons

Last, the space complexity is \(O(1)\) (e.g constant amount of memory)

Selection Sort

  • A natural sorting algorithm in which we first find minimum element in the list, then find the second minimum, third minimum and so forth and put them in an increasing order
  • Similar to bubble sort, for \(i^{th}\) iteration in the loop, performs \(n - i\) comparisons
  • Performs a linear search to find \(i^{th}\) minimum element

Selection Sort: Overview

key idea: Search and swap algorithm

  1. Find smallest element
  2. Swap it with the first element in the list
  3. Repeat the steps above with the second, third position in the list until it is sorted

Selection Sort: Example

Sort the following list \(C = [-1,5,3,9,12,4,8]\)

Selection Sort: Implementation

def selectionSort(list):
    for i in range(len(list)-1):
        print "index " + str(i) + " in the list"
        min = i
        for j in range(i + 1, len(list)):
            if list[j] < list[min]:
                min = j
        print "min value is " + str(list[min]) + " at index " + str(min)        
        list[i], list[min] = list[min], list[i]
    return list

Selection Sort: Complexity

The selection sort makes the same number of comparisons as the bubble sort and is therefore also \(O(n^2)\). This is due to the linear search for finding the minimum element in which we have to pass \(i - n\) values

However, due to the reduction in the number of exchanges, the selection sort typically executes faster than the bubble sort.

What is the best case?

Insertion Sort

A simple sorting algorithm that works in similar fashion to sorting cards with our hands

  • The design is of an incremental algorithm; it constructs the sorted list one number at a time.
  • Compared to the previous algorithms; during the \(i^{th}\) iteration, the first \(i - 1\) elements (named \(S\)) are sorted and the \(i^{th}\) element is inserted in \(S\) by first making a linear search on \(S\) and placing it in the right position.
  • Useful for sorting smaller lists

Insertion Sort: Example

Insertion Sort: Example (2)

Insertion Sort: Exercise

\(A = [−1,4,7,2,3,8,−5]\)

Insertion Sort: Implementation

def insertionSort(list):
    # Traverse through 1 to n
    for i in range(1, len(list)):
        key = list[i]
        # Move elements of list[0..i-1], that are
        # greater than key, to one position ahead
        # of their current position
        j = i-1
        while j >=0 and key < list[j] :
                list[j+1] = list[j]
                j -= 1
        list[j+1] = key
    return list

Insertion Sort: Complexity

Best case scenario: The list is sorted in ascending order, the \(i^{th}\) element is only compared to \(i^{th} - 1\) (e.g \(j\)), this amounts to \(n\) comparisons and thus \(O(n)\)

\(\sum _{ i=1 }^{ N-1}{N-1} = O(N)\)

Worst case scenario: The list is sorted inverse, the \(i^{th}\) needs to be shifted to the first position

\(\sum _{ i=1 }^{ N-1}{i} = 1 + 2 + 3 + \cdot + (N-1) + \frac{(N-1)N}{2} = O(N^2)\)

Average case scenario: The list is half-way in order

\(\sum _{ i=1 }^{ N-1}{\frac{i}{2}} = \frac{1}{2}(1 + 2 + 3 + \cdot + (N-1)) + \frac{(N-1)N}{4} = O(N^2)\)

Faster Sorting

  • There are two algorithms for faster sorting: Quick Sort and Merge Sort
  • These algorithms is based on a divide-and-conquer technique

Divide-and-Conquer Technique

Quick Sort

  • A divide-and-conquer algorithm
  • The idea is to select a special element called a pivot
  • The pivot is used to partition the list into two sub-lists:
    • elements smaller than the pivot value in one partition
    • elements greater than the pivot in another partition
  • Further, the partitions are divided into smaller partitions until the sub-problem size becomes one

Quick Sort (2)

  • The pivot value can be any element in the list, we could also as an example use a strategy where we select three random values where the middle most is selected.
  • Compared to Merge Sort: Most of the work is performed at the divide stage while the merge sort conducts most of the work at the combine stage (later on this)

Quick Sort: Partition Phase

  • Select a pivot
  • Move elements that are less than the pivot to the left
  • Move elements that are greater to the pivot to the right

Quick Sort: Process

  1. Divide: Pick a pivot and divide into two partitions (see previous slide)
  2. Conquer: Recursively apply Quick Sort to both the left and right partitions
  3. Combine: All sub-partitions are sorted and no effort is needed to merge

Quick Sort: Partition Example

Quick Sort: Combine Example

Quick Sort: Implementation

  • The hardest part is to implement the partitioning
  • The quick sort algorithm can be implemented in two ways:
    • Recursive
    • Iterative

We have mainly discussed with recursion, how would we do it iteratively? hint: think of a previous data structure

Quick Sort: Recursive

def qs_recursive(list, left, right):
    Quick sort method (Recursive)
    if right <= left:
        #Get pivot
        piv = partition(list, left, right)
        #Sort left side of pivot
        qs_recursive(list, left, piv-1)
        #Sort right side of pivot
        qs_recursive(list, piv+1, right)
    return list

What is left and right for \([1,5,8,9,10]\)

left is \(1\) and right is \(10\)

Quick Sort: Iterative

def qs_iterative(list, left, right):
    Quick sort (iterative)
    stack = []
    #Main loop to pop and push items until stack is empty
    while stack:      
        pos = stack.pop()
        right, left = pos[1], pos[0]
        pivot = partition(list,left,right)
        #If items in the left of the pivot push them to the stack
        if pivot-1 > left:
        #If items in the right of the pivot push them to the stack
        if pivot+1 < right:
    return list

Quick Sort: Partition

def partition(list, left, right):
    i = left - 1          # index of smaller element
    pivot = list[right]     # pivot

    for j in range(left, right):
        print list
        print i, j, pivot

        # If current element is smaller than or
        # equal to pivot
        print "is " + str(list[j]) + " smallar or equal to " + str(pivot)
        if list[j] <= pivot:
            # increment index of smaller element
            i = i + 1
            print "swap list[i]= " + str(list[i]) + " with list[j]=" + str(list[j]) 
            list[i], list[j] = list[j], list[i]
    list[i + 1], list[right] = list[right], list[i + 1]
    return i + 1

Quick Sort Complexity

Best case scenario:

  • Pivot is the median of the array
  • Each time we make a partition, the list is divided into two nearly equal partitions where left and right have the same size. Thus, each recursive call process a list of half its size and similar to a balanced BST, the depth of the call tree (e.g height) is \(log_2 n\). Further, to create each partition, we need to make \(n\) comparisons but not more than \(n/2\) swaps. Thus, the complexity is \(O(n log n)\)

Quick Sort Complexity (2)

Worst case scenario: This is when the pivot is the smallest or largest element. This means one of the partitions are empty and we repeat the process \(N-1\) elements. Think of this as an unbalanced BST, the complexity is \(O(n^2)\)

Average case scenario: In average, each partitioning divides the list into two partitions and creating the partition takes \(O(n)\), Thus the average \(log n\) partitioning and creating partitions takes \(O(n)\)

Merge Sort

  • A divide-an-conquer algorithm
  • Main idea:
    • The divide phase recursively split the list into half until the list size is reduced to one (top-down approach)
    • The conquer phase combines a sorted list of size 1 to get a sorted list of size 2 and so on; we combine two sorted list of \(n/2\) to get a sorted list of \(n\)

Merge Sort: Split phase

Merge Sort: Merge phase

Merge Sort: Implementation

def mergesort(lst):
    if len(lst) > 1:
        mid = len(lst) // 2
        left = mergesort(lst[:mid])
        right = mergesort(lst[mid:])
        return merge(left, right)
    return lst

Merge Sort: How are we doing merge?

def merge(left, right):
    result = []
    while len(left) > 0 and len(right) > 0:
        if left[0] <= right[0]:
    if len(left) > 0:
        result += left
        result += right
    return result

Complexity of Merge Sort

For all cases it is \(O(n logn)\), can someone explain why?

While Merge Sort have better overall complexity than Quick Sort, why would someone prefer quick sort? hint: space complexity


Search in a simple array

  • A search returns true if the element is found in a collection, and false when it does not reside in that collection.

  • In Python, we can use the in operator to search whether an element is a member of a particular collection of items.

>>> 15 in [3,5,2,4,1]
>>> 3 in [3,5,2,4,1]

Sequential Search Implementation

  • In summary, we start from the first item of the list and, then, we move from item to item, following the sequential order, until we find the item we are looking for.

  • If we run out of items, it means that the item we are looking for does not belong to the list.

def sequentialSearch(alist, item):
    pos = 0
    found = False
    while pos < len(alist) and not found:
        if alist[pos] == item:
            found = True
            pos = pos+1
    return found

Sequential Search Running Example

#!/usr/bin/env python

def main():
    testlist = [1, 2, 32, 8, 17, 19, 42, 13, 0]
    print(sequentialSearch(testlist, 3))
    print(sequentialSearch(testlist, 13))

def sequentialSearch(alist, item):
    pos = 0
    found = False
    while pos < len(alist) and not found:
        if alist[pos] == item:
            found = True
            pos = pos+1

    return found

if __name__ == "__main__":

What will be the result?



Comparisons in Random Assignment

  • If the element we are looking for does not belong to the randomly ordered list, \(A = {2, 6, 1, ... n}\), we will conduct \(n\) comparisons for a sequential search.

  • On the contrary, if the element does belong to the above list, we will conduct either \(1\) comparison (best case scenario), or \(n\) comparisons (worst case scenario), until we find the right element.

Why does this happen?

Performance of a Sequential Search - Random Assignment (1)

  • Assume that \(L\) is a list with \(n\) elements, that is, \(|L| = n\).

  • If the elements in \(L\) are completely randomly assigned, then the element we are looking for can be found in any position of the \(L\) with equal probability, \(1/n\).

  • If the element is the first item of the list, the loop of the sequential search (see the implementation in previous slides) will be executed only once (best scenario, \(O(1)\)). Whereas if the element is the second item, the loop will be executed twice, and so on.

Performance of a Sequential Search - Random Assignment (2)

  • If the element is the last item or it does not exist in the list at all, we need to execute the loop of the sequential search \(n\) times (worst scenario, \(O(n)\)).

  • The performance of the algorithm is:

\(\frac{1}{n}*1 + \frac{1}{n}*2 + \cdot \cdot \cdot + \frac{1}{n}*n = \frac{1 + 2 + \cdot \cdot \cdot + n}{n} = \frac{n + 1}{2}\)

  • Where \(1 + 2 + \cdot \cdot \cdot + n = \frac{n*(n + 1)}{2}\).

  • Therefore, the performance of a successfull sequential search will be, on average: \(O((n + 1) / 2)\)

Comparisons in Ordered List

  • If an element does not belong to a ordered list, \(L = {1, 2, 3, ... n}\), we will need to conduct either \(1\) comparison (best case scenario) or \(n\) comparisons (worst case scenario) for a sequential search.

  • If an element does belong in the above list, we will conduct either \(1\) comparison (best case scenario), or \(n\) comparisons (worst case scenario) to find the right element.

  • Therefore, the complexity of the sequential search algorithm is again \(O(n)\).

Implementation of Binary Search Algorithm

    def binarySearch(alist, item):
        first = 0
        last = len(alist)-1
        found = False
        while first<=last and not found:
            midpoint = (first + last)//2
            if alist[midpoint] == item:
                found = True
                if item < alist[midpoint]:
                    last = midpoint-1
                    first = midpoint+1
        return found

Complexity of Binary Search (1)

  • To estimate the complexity of a binary search algorithm, we should take into account that each comparison eliminates about half of the remaining elements.

  • If we have an ordered list of \(n\) elements, around \(n/2\) elements will be left after the first comparison. After the second comparison, there will be around \(n/4\), and so on, until the list have only \(1\) item.

Complexity of Binary Search (2)

  • The left number of comparisons at the last item (\(i\)th item) will be \(n/2^i = 1\). Solving this for \(i\), we will get \(i = \log n\) (max number of comparisons).

  • Then, the worst case performance of the algorithm is \(O(\log n)\), the best case performance is \(O(1)\), and the average performance is \(O(\log n)\).


  • Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python, by Brad Miller and David Ranum, Luther College.

  • Real-World Algorithms: A Beginner’s Guide, by Panos Louridas, The MIT Press, 2017.