Part I - Shortest Path

Shortest path

Is a problem of finding a path between two nodes, such that the sum of the weights of its constituent edges is minimized.

  • Paths between 1 and 6: 1-5-4-6 and 1-2-3-4-6.
  • Which is the shortest?

Shortest path

  • What is the shortest path now?
  • How can we programmatically calculate the shortest path between any 2 nodes for any graph?

Dijkstra - Initialization

\[ \begin{aligned} &InitializeSingleSource(G,s)\\ &\qquad for \space each \space vertex \space v \in G.V \\ &\qquad \qquad v.d = \infty \\ &\qquad \qquad v.\pi = NIL \\ &\qquad s.d = 0 \\ \end{aligned} \]

Dijkstra - Relax function

\[ \begin{aligned} &Relax(u,v,w)\\ &\qquad if \space v.d > u.d + w(u,v)\\ &\qquad \qquad v.d = u.d + w(u,v)\\ &\qquad \qquad v.\pi = u \\ \end{aligned} \]

Dijkstra - Main algorithm

\[ \begin{aligned} &Dijkstra(G,w,s)\\ &\qquad InitializeSingleSource(G,s)\\ &\qquad S = \emptyset\\ &\qquad Q = G.V \\ &\qquad while \space Q \neq \emptyset\\ &\qquad \qquad u = ExtractMin(Q) \\ &\qquad \qquad S = S \cup \{u\} \\ &\qquad \qquad for \space each \space v \in G.Adj[u]\\ &\qquad \qquad \qquad Relax(u,v,w)\\ \end{aligned} \]

Dijkstra Visualization Step 1

Green - current node, Red - unvisited node, Blue - target node. Assign distance to the start node as 0, and INF to all others. Assign the start node as the current node.

Dijkstra Visualization Step 2

Updating the distance to neighbors of the current node.

Dijkstra Visualization Step 3

Updating the distance to neighbors of the current node.

Dijkstra Visualization Step 4

Make the second node as current node. Mark the first node is visited.

Dijkstra Visualization Step 5

Updating the distance to neighbors of the current node.

Dijkstra Visualization Step 6

Updating the distance to neighbors of the current node.

Dijkstra Visualization Step 7

Assign node 7 as the current node.

Dijkstra Visualization Step 8

Updating the distance to neighbors of the current node.

Dijkstra Visualization Step 9

Assign node 3 as the current node.

Dijkstra Visualization Step 10

Updating the distance to neighbors of the current node.

Dijkstra Visualization Step 11

Assign node 5 as the current node.

Dijkstra Visualization Step 12

Updating the distance to neighbors of the current node.

Dijkstra Visualization Step 13

Mark the current node as visited.

Dijkstra Visualization Finish

The algorithm finished.

See other visualizations here:

Dijkstra in Python (algorithm)

def dijkstra(graph, start):
    props = {
            "distance": 0,
            "parent": None,
            "visited": False
    while len(filterListDictionaries(props,"visited", False).keys())>0:
        u = closestNotVisitedNode(props)
        for v in set(graph[u]) - set(filterListDictionaries(props,"visited", True)):
            if v not in props:
                props[v] = {
                        "distance": float("inf"),
                        "parent": None,
                        "visited": False
            props = relax(props,u,v,graph[u][v])
        props[u]["visited"] = True
    return props

Dijkstra in Python (helper functions)

def filterListDictionaries(l, f, value):
    return {k: v for k, v in l.iteritems() if v[f] == value}
def closestNotVisitedNode(nodes_prop):
    not_visited = filterListDictionaries(nodes_prop,"visited", False)
    lam = lambda x: not_visited[x]["distance"]
    return min(not_visited, key = lam)
def relax(nodes_prop, u, v, w):
    if nodes_prop[v]["distance"] > nodes_prop[u]["distance"] + w:
        nodes_prop[v]["distance"] = nodes_prop[u]["distance"] + w
        nodes_prop[v]["parent"] = u
    return nodes_prop

Dijkstra in Python to find target

def dijkstra_pair(graph, start, end):
    props = dijkstra(graph, start)
    if end in props:
        return getPath(props, end)
    return None
def getPath(nodes, targetNode):
    current = targetNode
    path = []
    while nodes[current]["parent"]:
        current = nodes[current]["parent"]
    return path

Know your heroes

Edsger W. Dijkstra - Dutch computer scientist

11/05/1930 - 06/08/2002

  • B.S., M.S. Leiden University
  • Ph.D., University of Amsterdam
  • Turing Award

Shortest-path problem variations

  • Single-destination shortest-paths problem
  • Single-pair shortest-path problem
  • All-pairs shortest paths problem

Shortest-path algorithms

  • Dijkstra’s algorithm solves the single-source shortest path problem.
  • Bellman–Ford algorithm solves the single-source problem if edge weights may be negative.
  • A* search algorithm solves for single pair shortest path using heuristics to try to speed up the search.
  • Floyd–Warshall algorithm solves all pairs shortest paths.
  • Johnson’s algorithm solves all pairs shortest paths, and may be faster than Floyd–Warshall on sparse graphs.
  • Viterbi algorithm solves the shortest stochastic path problem with an additional probabilistic weight on each node.

All-pairs shortest path.

  • Searching in big graphs is computationally expensive
  • It is good to search all shortest paths in advance, to later only retrieve them when needed.

How would you calculate shortest paths for all pairs?

Betweenness centrality

In graph theory, betweenness centrality is a measure of centrality in a graph based on shortest paths.

\[ g(v) = \sum{\frac{\sigma_{st}(v)}{\sigma_{st}}} \] where \(\sigma_{st}\) is the total number of shortest paths from node s to not t and \(\sigma_{st}(v)\) is the number of those paths that pass through \(v\). image source

Closeness centrality

In a connected graph, the normalized closeness centrality (or closeness) of a node is the average length of the shortest path between the node and all other nodes in the graph.

\[ C(x) = \frac{1}{\sum_yd(y,x)} \] where \(d(y,x)\) is the distance between vertices \(x\) and \(y\).

Part II - Challenges to solve using graphs

Challenge #1

How to identify communities in social media?

Connected components

A connected component of an undirected graph is a subgraph in which any two nodes are connected to each other by paths, and which is connected to no additional vertices in the supergraph.

Graph with 2 components

Finding connected components

Running a search algorithm (BFS or DFS) with a given start node we find only 1 connected component.

Looping through nodes which where not visited yet and running a search algorithm for them, can help to find all connected components in linear time O(|V| + |E|).

Strongly Connected Components

A directed graph is called strongly connected if there is a path in each direction between each pair of vertices of the graph.

Finding Strongly Connected Components

For a directed graph:

  • call \(DFS(G)\) to compute finishing times \(v.f\) for each node
  • compute \(G^T\)
  • call \(DFS(G)\), but in the main loop of \(DFS\) consider the nodes in order of decreasing \(u.f\)
  • output the vertices of each tree in the depth-first forest formed in prev line as a separate strongly connected component

Challenge #2

How to schedule lectures some of which depend on others?

Topological sort (for DAG)

  • call \(DFS(G)\) to compute finishing times \(v.f\) for each node
  • as each node is finished, insert it onto the front of a linked list
  • return the list of nodes

Challenge #3

Telecom company tries to lay cable in a neighborhood. How to decide where to bury the cable to make sure all the houses are connected?

Minimum Spanning Trees (MST)

A subset of the edges of a connected, edge-weighed undirected graph that connects all nodes together, without cycles and with the minimum total edge weight.

image source

MST (Kruskal’s algorithm)

image source

Challenge #4

How to rank webpages and build a search engine?

Page rank algorithm

  • Assign to all nodes 1/N weight (0.25)
  • While PageRank not stable:
  • for node in nodes:
  • PR(node) = sum(PR(node.neigbor)/DegreeOut(node.neighbor))

Page rank algorithm

  • Assign to all nodes 1/N weight (0.25)
  • While PageRank not stable:
  • for node in nodes:
  • PR(node) = sum(PR(node.neigbor)/DegreeOut(node.neighbor))

Page rank algorithm in Python

def pagerank(graph, damping=0.85, epsilon=1.0e-8):
    inlink_map = {}
    outlink_counts = {}
    def new_node(node):
        if node not in inlink_map: inlink_map[node] = set()
        if node not in outlink_counts: outlink_counts[node] = 0
    for tail_node, head_node in graph:
        if tail_node == head_node: continue
        if tail_node not in inlink_map[head_node]:
            outlink_counts[tail_node] += 1
    all_nodes = set(inlink_map.keys())
    for node, outlink_count in outlink_counts.items():
        if outlink_count == 0:
            outlink_counts[node] = len(all_nodes)
            for l_node in all_nodes: inlink_map[l_node].add(node)
    initial_value = 1 / len(all_nodes)
    ranks = {}
    for node in inlink_map.keys(): ranks[node] = initial_value
    new_ranks = {}
    delta = 1.0
    n_iterations = 0
    while delta > epsilon:
        new_ranks = {}
        for node, inlinks in inlink_map.items():
            new_ranks[node] = ((1 - damping) / len(all_nodes)) + (damping * sum(ranks[inlink] / outlink_counts[inlink] for inlink in inlinks))
        delta = sum(abs(new_ranks[node] - ranks[node]) for node in new_ranks.keys())
        ranks, new_ranks = new_ranks, ranks
        n_iterations += 1
    return ranks, n_iterations

Other resources

Online course (Very basic)

Course Intro to Algorithms

Tutorial (Basic)

Graph algorithms in Python

Book (Advanced)

Introduction to Algorithms